Living out our mission


Church Administer

Brenda S Dominguez

Church Staff

Tommy McClain

Pastor Tommy McClain was born and raised in upstate New York, far from his current home in   Memphis. He confessed Jesus as lord one night at an early age and was baptized by his father soon after. The Lord graciously used many men and women to disciple and sanctify him, even amidst teenage rebellion. His high school superlative was "most likely to be a Southern Baptist Pastor." After graduating high school, and beginning college, the Lord called him into vocational ministry. He graduated in 2018 with his Master of Divinity from Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary. 

Pastor Tommy has served in numerous ministerial roles since his call to ministry.  He's served as a custodian, pastoral intern, youth pastor, and now his current position. Tommy was unanimously elected to be the pastor of Fellowship and began his service on July 11th, 2021. Our goal, together as a church, is to Know Jesus, Grow Together, and Go to the World

Pastor Tommy and his wife Rebecca were married in 2017. She serves as a Sunday school teacher and joyfully supports the Lord's work in their lives. They hope to have children in the future as the Lord allows. 

"Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory."

Proverbs 11:14

Gary McCullough

Gary has been the Minister of Music at Fellowship Baptist since August of 2020. He accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior at a young age and has been involved with church music most of his life. He retired from the Navy Band in 2007.

He has served in churches as Minister of Instrumental Music and Minister of Music since then. Gary is married to his wife Tamela of 38 years. They have been blessed with 3 children, Kristen, Kayce, and Andrew. They also have 7 wonderful grandchildren.

Gary is excited to be at Fellowship Baptist. His desire is to help create an atmosphere of worship where everyone is focused on giving glory, praise and honor to our Lord and Savior.

“I will declare Your name to My brethren; In the midst of the assembly I will sing praise to You.”  Hebrews 2:12

Tamela McCullough

Tamela joined the staff at Fellowship in August of 2020. She has worked with kids and youth for over 20 years. She came on board as the Youth Ministry Leader, but her ministry soon evolved into more of a Student Ministry.

During the midst of Covid she saw a need for our kids to enjoy being kids again. She began by incorporating elementary, middle, and high schoolers into the Wednesday night program. By doing so she started providing opportunities for kids of all ages to come on Wednesday nights share a meal together, have bible study, and enjoy some free time. That eventually led to a Christmas and Spring musical which included drama and song.

She loves working with the young people and is looking forward to seeing what other opportunities God has in store!!

“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”

1 Corinthians 10:31

Rosemary dieterlen

Rosemary Dieterlen has been an active member at Fellowship since October 2004. She currently teaches the Reflector's Sunday School class, sings with the Praise Team, volunteers weekly as an usher, and coordinates the Quito Food Pantry. She loves to serve the Lord. 

Rosemary and her husband Alan live in Quito, TN. They have been married since 2010. Alan has attended Fellowship since 1972, where he now serves as an active Deacon, Sunday School director, head of security, and supporter of Rosemary in every area of her life. They have 2 grown children, Michael & Shannon, as well as 7 grandchildren to which they feel graciously blessed and supportive. Both Alan and Rosemary hope and strive to live as examples of Christ's goodness and salvation to bring each one of their children to Christ. 

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord."

Joshua 24:15

Church History


In the beginning there was no Baptist Church in Quito,

Tennessee. But in 1893 God's spirit moved upon the

hearts of Rev. Martin of Quito, Rev. Joe Lee and Rev.

J. D. Anderson of Smyrna and Antioch Churches, along

with thirteen charter members, to organize a new

church under the name of Fellowship Baptist Church.


The original church was built on the site where the

church cemetery is now located. However, in April 1909,

the church was destroyed by a cyclone (or tornado), and

the church was rebuilt in the spring of 1910 at its present

site at 4635 Quito-Drummonds Road. During the

interim the church members met in a school building

located next door to the present site.

1967 -1974

Fiber glass insulation was put in the building and storm

windows were added in 1964. Also that year, the church

borrowed $4,000 to enlarge the basement. The church

voted in 1966 to air condition the church through love

offerings. Also during 1966 the halls, aisle and pulpit

rostrum were carpeted. Upon the resignation of Bro.

Owens, the church voted to buy his home to be used as

the church parsonage.

The B. E. Pouncey Memorial Library was established in

1967. In 1968 the church voted to build an educational

building and to sell $53,000 worth of bonds to raise the

money. The educational building was completed and put

into use in December, 1970. The church was able to pay

off the bonds in less than 10 years. Through generous love offerings the church was able to brick the sanctuary in 1974 

 A steeple was installed from the Flora Hart Memorial fund. A bus ministry, children's church and preschool church were all started that same year.


In 1975, the basement was remodeled. A new piano and

organ were purchased in 1982 and in 1983 the church

auditorium was remodeled. The kitchen was relocated

and remodeled in 1985. In 1986 the church voted to pur-

chase the house and three acres of land next door from

Mrs. Rita Cooper for $55,000. The home was used by

church staff members until the present Family Life Cen-

ter was built.

The church began a monthly newsletter in January,

1991. During that same year, a new church sign was in-

stalled and a drive-through awning was installed on the

back of the church. In 1992, an addition was added to

the front of the church to increase the size of the sanctu-

ary and new choir robes were purchased. During 1992

the church also voted to help purchase land for the new

Gateway Mission Church and the LifeBlood program

was started.


In 1997, Fellowship began the process of the most ambi-

tious building project in its history when the Long Range

Planning Committee proposed that the former Cooper

property be designated as the site for a Family Life Cen-

ter and that 50% of the total cost be raised prior to be-

ginning construction. A Fund Raising Committee was

established at that time.

In 1998, the house was moved from the Cooper property

and a survey was completed to combine the two parcels

of land. A 50-foot easement was granted to Tipton

County for the purpose of moving Fellowship Church



In 1999, the Family Life Center Building Committee,

chaired by J. C. Lemmons, began the process of archi-

tectural design, site planning, etc. A contract was en-

tered into with Rose Construction Company in the

amount of $264,813 for the basic metal building (called

Phase I of the building program).

The basic building was completed in 2000. Calls for

teams of volunteers were answered by churches around

the country and with their help the Family Life Center

was finished in 2001. The building was dedicated to the

memory of J. C. Lemmons who died of a sudden heart

attack in January, 2001.